Houston Defective Product Attorneys

Texas Defective Product Lawyer Product Liability Lawyers Houston Every time you buy a product you expect that the product will enhance your life and improve your livelihood. But sometimes companies betray the trust consumers have in them and release harmful products into the market. You can file a liability lawsuit if you were injured by … Read More

Houston Premises Liability Lawyer

Premises & Products Liability Attorneys Houston Premises Liability Attorneys In Houston TX Premises liability is the responsibility that a property owner has for personal injury incidences that happen on their property.  This means that property owners must maintain their property to certain standard conditions for anyone who visits that property.  This includes ensuring that the … Read More

Corporate Reorganization

Types Of Reorganizations A business that wants to improve efficiency or improve profitability may restructure the way the company works to achieve one or both of those objectives. This process of restructuring is what is called corporate reorganization. Since corporate reorganization is a significant undertaking that impacts the corporation’s bottom line, a lot of planning, … Read More

Corporate Medicine

Cpom Medical In Texas, there are many laws and regulations that govern how physicians, medical providers, and business professionals operate in the state’s healthcare sector. For instance, the state of Texas enforces the Corporation Practice of Medicine (CPOM) doctrine. Other federal laws that concern physicians and other medical professionals are the False Claims Act and … Read More

Stark Exceptions Explained

Stark Law Exceptions Physicians and other health care providers should learn about healthcare fraud and abuse as defined under the Stark law. These laws are supposed to stop physicians from referring patients for certain health services that are paid for by Medicare and Medicaid to any entities which the physicians or their relatives have a … Read More

Houston Mediation Services

Legal Mediation Services Two or more disputing parties can reach a favorable resolution by participating in a powerful and effective negotiation during mediation. In mediation, a neutral third party facilitates the negotiation process between two disputing entities. The mediator’s role is not to direct the negotiations but to make the negotiation process seamless and effective. … Read More

Force Majeure Clauses In The State Of The Union: COVID-19 And Demonstrations

Force Majeure Clauses And COVID-19 Right now is a tumultuous time in our country and world. COVID-19 is a global pandemic that is critically impacting businesses around the world. Additionally, people are publicly protesting racial injustice in our country. All around our communities and cities, businesses are feeling the pressure of reduced or total loss … Read More

Defenses To Trademark Infringement

Trademark Infringement Defenses You may be sued for using a trademark or service mark that is owned by another individual or business. Trademark laws give the owner of a trademark the exclusive rights to use that trademark. Businesses or individuals use trademarks to make their products or services distinguishable from other similar products or services. … Read More